You’re Invited
Posted By: Its In The Party Bag | Posted Date: Thursday, February 11, 2021
• Type of Invitation
Depending on your event you can chose to send either a traditional invite or a digital invite using social media or even by email.
• Set the Tone
Your invitation will set the tone of your event and what your guests can expect. Consider your theme or colours as a good way to convey what guests can expect from your event.
• RSVP Date
Make sure you include a date for when you need people to send their RSVP by. Ensure that the date gives you plenty of time to have your final numbers.
• Options for Sending a RSVP
You can include a RSVP Card with your invitation that your guests can send back or you can let them reply via phone, text or email as this is often the easiest way.
• Dietary Requirements
In today’s world many people have allergies to certain foods, but also religious and personal beliefs for eating different types of food. Ask your guests to inform you of these requirements.
• Special Instructions
Some parties may have a theme such as Ultra Violet (UV) where guests should wear white, or a black and white theme. These details should be put on the invite.
Directions of how to get to the venue and local places to stay may help your guests.
• Be Specific About Who’s Invited
This will help you avoid some awkward conversations later! For example, Chris and Hannah and Family, Rose and Partner.
• Children or Siblings
When having a children’s party often parents will need to attend especially if the children are of a young age so they may wish to bring siblings along if this is not possible due to the type of party then you should put this on the invite. This also goes for weddings as some couples prefer that their wedding is an adult only affair. If this is the case it’s nice to put this is in a friendly way such as “Unfortunately no siblings this time due to space”
• Sending Out Invites
The type of event will determine when you send your invites out. For a wedding you will most likely send these out 3-4 months before but for a party maybe 4-6 weeks prior.
• Tracking Invites
It’s easy to lose track of invites that have been sent out and also guests that have RSVP’d. Make yourself a spreadsheet or paper list so that you can track everything.
• Chasing RSVP’s
One week prior to your RSVP date is a good idea to chase up any guests that you have not heard from to see if they will be be attending. This helps you with final numbers for drinks or catering arrangements.
• Ask a Fun Question.
Let your guests feel involved from the minute they receive their invite. Ask for their favourite dance song so that you can ensure they are up on the dance floor dancing the night away.