Party Planning Checklist - Part Two
Posted By: Its In The Party Bag | Posted Date: Thursday, February 11, 2021
Following on from our last blog on things to take into consideration this blog will look at Car Parking.
- Is there a car park and how big is it.
This would be something you need to look at and work out how important this is to you. Most halls have parking but this can be limited.
- If no or small car park is there nearby parking available for guests and what parking restrictions are there and does parking need to be paid for.
Have a look at the roads around the venue to see if there is parking available. If there are restrictions on when you can and cannot park maybe see if you can book your party around the times that parking is available this is normally when yellow lines or permit parking is in place. If you are required to pay at a meter then see what the cost would be so you advise guests. It’s also worth asking the hall if they have visitor permits available.
- Let your guests know about any parking situation so they can be prepared.
If the hall only has a small car park and you want to reserve parking for guests who are unable to walk far or have a disability then you need to ensure that you tell guests that the car park has been reserved for these guests. You may also have to provide parking for suppliers who have equipment to unload for the party. Let guests know where they can park and also how much it will cost and the method of payment. Most places now days you can pay via an app so let them know the app in advance so they can download before they attend the party.
Let suppliers know if they are unable to park at the venue so they are warned in advance as they may choose to use a different vehicle if they know they have to park on a side street. We have a large van but if we know they is no parking we may choose to use our large car if we can fit everything in. You may also like to pay for suppliers parking which is a gesture of goodwill.
Is There a Car Park?
If Yes:
- Enough Parking for Everyone?
- Do You Have to Allocate Parking?
If No:
- Name of Roads to Park:
- Cost of Parking:
- Name of Parking App: