Party Planning Checklist - Part One
Posted By: Its In The Party Bag | Posted Date: Thursday, February 11, 2021
When planning a party lots of things need to be taken into consideration and you can start to feel overwhelmed. So I’m going to take you through different things that you will need to check to ensure you have a great party, and to keep your stress levels down!
Let’s start when looking for hall space.
- How big do you need your space to be?
A hall can look very large when empty and space quickly goes once you have people in the hall. The first thing you need to do is work out your guest list so you know how many people you are inviting so you have idea on how much space you will need. If it’s a children’s party you need include the parents if the children are of a young age.
- Will all the items you require fit in the space?
If you are having extra items these will also take up room so it’s a good idea to find out how much space is needed.
Suppliers will be able to tell you the amount of space that they will require and also if they require power points. If you take all measurements with you when you view a hall this will help see if the hall is big enough.
- What is the cost of the hall and what is included in the hire?
Many halls have hidden costs. It could be that if you need to use the kitchen then this could be an extra charge. They may have an outside area also which could be used but again they may charge you. Asking them what is included in the cost of the hall and make sure this is given to you in writing.
- Do you require to pay a damage or clean up deposit?
Almost all halls will require a deposit when booking but you may also find that you will have to pay a refundable deposit to cover for any damages and also a clean up deposit so that if the hall is not properly cleaned and tidied then you lose your deposit as this will be used to clean the hall properly.
It’s always a good idea to take before and after pictures of the hall so you have proof on how you found and left the hall.
- Do you require a stage for a band or DJ?
If you are having a band or DJ do they need to be on a stage to perform or are they happy to be on the same level as guests. If they are happy to be on the same level then you need to ask how much space they need for their equipment as this again will take space up.
Word of Mouth or Recommendations
- Check with family and friends
The best way to choose a venue is to ask family and friends venues that have used and had a positive experience with as they will be able to tell you all the pros and cons of any venues they have hired.
- Can any of the vendors you are booking recommend venues?
Established Vendors/suppliers will be able to recommend venues suitable for your needs.
Suitable for type of party I.e. Ultra Violet Themed or Stage for A Band
- Will the hall meet your requirements?
When viewing a hall it is good idea to have a list of requirements that you are going to have i.e. if you are having a UV Party are there blinds to block out daylight. Is the ceiling high enough if you are having a bouncy castle. This way you can ensure that the venue is suitable for your event.
What’s allowed at the Venue?
- What are you not allowed to have in the venue?
If you plan to have certain items at your event you will need to check what is allowed. Some venues do not have the insurance to allow bouncy castles.
Gardens Games may need to have items pushed into the ground or balls that may require hitting or kicking.
Fireworks may not be possible especially if the venue is in a residential area or with farm land with livestock.
Always check what you allowed to have in your venue space and have this confirmed in writing by the venue.
Number of Guests:
Size of Items/Space Number:
Cost of Hall:
Deposit Required:
What’s Included:
Damage Deposit:
Clean-Up Deposit:
Stage Needed for Entertainment:
If No What Space is Required:
Items Allowed in Venue:
Venues Recommend: